A daughter is a bundle of firsts that excite and delight, giggles that come from deep inside and are always contagious, everything wonderful and precious and your love for her knows no bounds.

Saturday, February 18, 2012


We reached some pretty big milestones the last couple of days!! She rolled from her back to her stomach and then back over again!! We were all so excited. I'm so glad she waited till we were there to see it!! Once she gets on her tummy, she tries so very hard to get her knees under her. It won't be long and our little girl will be crawling all over the house!

She has been giggling so much! She has such a darling laugh.....you can't help but laugh with her.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

My Funny Valentine......

Today is Charlotte's first Valentine's Day! She also had her 4 month check up and shots......not so nice.

Charlotte is in the 90th percentile for her head circumference, weight and height which means she is still extremely proportionate! Her head circumference is 16 3/4 inches.  Her weight is 16lbs and her height is 26inches. She is growing so fast and getting smarter every day.

She got tons of love today on her first Valentine's day........

She made a sweet little Valentine for her Mommy and Daddy at daycare today.

Her Best Bud Blake made her a Valentine......

Charlotte and Blake

And her BFF Brody got her a cute Valentine gift!!

Brody and Charlotte

 She even made Valentines for her Grandparents!!

 We've been having so much fun! Charlotte loves bathtime. We had to move her little tub into the big tub because she splashes so much. She thinks getting daddy all wet is the funniest thing ever!

She gets more and more talkative everyday. She tends to get a little camera shy when I try to record it but here's the best I could do!

Aunt Ricki came to visit as well!! Charlotte absolutely adores her Aunt Ricki and loves when she comes over to play. 

In the mornings, Charlotte likes to sit in my bathroom with me and help me get ready for the day!

She is my Valentine and I love her more everyday! XOXO

Friday, February 10, 2012

Four Months Old

Where to start! Our little girl is growing so fast! We've hit many milestones over the last month........
She got her first pair of jeans from Grandma Grandt. They are so precious with little owls on them!!

She's teething too. She has two back teeth coming in and one front upper tooth. Lots of drooling and chewing!
She doesn't go ANYWHERE without her monkey! It has to be with her at all times. We went to Appleton for a weekend to go to Aunt Colleen's baby shower and she slept most of the shower! It was Brewer's themed so she rocked her pink brewers top. We are so excited to meet Baby Isaac and can't wait for a new playmate. We stayed at a hotel with Grandma Grandt that weekend, another first for little Charlotte. She slept pretty good away from home.

 She's even holding her own bottle now! Her motor skills are really getting sharp.

 She loves her little piano. I think we might have a musician on our hands. She kicks so hard! 

She loves going to daycare. They have so much fun going for walks, playing outside, doing art projects and most of all, playing with her friends!

Sticking her tongue out.....her signature face!

We started food this last week! No more just formula!! First she had cereal with banana puree (love the magic bullet).......

And then we had Roasted Apples!! Yumm....she really liked those.

I can't believe how fast she is growing. She sits like a big girl in her stroller now when we go for walks. She loves the outdoors and the fresh air. 

She has been talking up a storm! Every day she makes a new sound or gets louder. There's nothing better than having a conversation with her. She makes me smile more and more everyday. We have to be the luckiest parents to have such a beautiful and smart little girl.